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The Outsiders

Director: Francis Ford Coppola

Genre: Drama

Year: 1983

Running time: 91 minutes

Territory: UK and Ireland

Studio: StudioCanal

Format: 4K DCP

Cast: C. Thomas Howell, Matt Dillon, Ralph Macchio

Language options: Dialogue - EN | Subtitle - XX, VI

A teen gang in rural Oklahoma, the Greasers are perpetually at odds with the Socials, a rival group. When Greasers Ponyboy (C. Thomas Howell) and Johnny (Ralph Macchio) get into a brawl that ends in the death of a Social member, the boys are forced to go into hiding. Soon Ponyboy and Johnny, along with the intense Dallas (Matt Dillon) and their other Greaser buddies, must contend with the consequences of their violent lives. While some Greasers try to achieve redemption, others meet tragic ends.


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