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The Edukators (Die Fetten Jahre Sind Vorbei)

Director: Hans Weingartner

Genre: Drama

Year: 2004

Running time: 130 minutes

Territory: UK and Ireland

Studio: Pathe UK

Cast: Daniel Brühl, Julia Jentsch, Stipe Erceg, Burghart Klaußner, Peer Martiny

Peter (Stipe Erceg) and Jan (Daniel Brühl) are "edukators," anarchists who break into wealthy people's homes -- never stealing, but serving notice to fatcats that their days are numbered. Along comes Jule (Julia Jentsch), a poor student and Peter's girlfriend, who convinces Jan to help her edukate a businessman (Burghart Klaussner) she owes money to. When Jule mistakenly leaves evidence behind, they must go back to the crime scene, where they are surprised and events quickly get out of hand.


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