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Trouble Bound

Director: Jeffrey Reiner

Genre: Action/Adventure

Year: 1993

Running time: 90 minutes

Territory: Worldwide

Studio: ITV

Cast: Patricia Arquette, Seymour Cassel, Michael Madsen

A high octane comic look at two people on the run from the Mafia. Ex-conman, Harry Talbot (Michael Madsen) can't believe his luck. In a poker game, he has taken two losers for five grand and a classic convertible Lincoln Continental. He heads for Nevada and on the way picks up Kit (Patricia Arquette), a beautiful young woman on the run from 'family troubles'. Things are beginning to look up for Harry, but soon he realises that he is the loser. In the trunk of the Lincoln rests the corpse of a man once known as Gordo - and now the men who put him there want him back for major financial reasons. What follows for Harry is a high-speed struggle for survival.


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